Explore and choose one of our services and let us help you turn your goals into reality!


Word wizardry is our THING!
Let us get our pens, and keyboards, on and turn your thoughts and ideas into masterpieces that do them justice.
Whether it’s for academic purposes, research, career-related, or personal usage, our team of crafty writers got you.
Let us know what you need and consider it DONE.
We offer: article, thesis, blog, copy and book writing services.


Quotes and prices depend on number of pages, duration and urgency.


Do you want to stand out from the crowd?

Let us craft you a world class resume that would not only help create a dazzling first impression, but increase your chances to secure the position!

Here's how we can help you:

  • Audit Your Current Resume
  • Translate Your Resume from and to: Arabic, French & English
  • Craft Your Resume from Scratch
  • Write & translate your Application, Recommendation, Experience, and Motivation letters


Quotes and prices depend on number of pages, duration and urgency.

You can request a VIP Package and include your own preferences

101 Resume Training

101 Interview Prep

VIP Resume by our CEO

If you know Arabic and are okay with learning things on your own, you can also sign up for the  training: Resume Success Secrets 


Do you need your documents in another Language?

Whether you are a student, employee or professional looking to have your documents translated from and to: English, Arabic, French and Turkish, our team is ON IT!


Quotes and prices depend on number of pages, duration and urgency.


Do you want to study or work Abroad?

Do you want to learn, improve or master your English, French or Turkish? BEA is here to help you make that goal come true!
Whether you are looking to speak & write better, study abroad, get a better job, pass an international test (TOEFL, IELTS, TCF…), offer bigger chances to your kid or sibling… The right language will you get far along that way. 
Join one of our virtual classes and start the journey towards fluency and mastery in English, French and Turkish.





Get in touch, take a test, and start learning, improving and getting closer to a better career & life.


و لكِ في القرآن حياة..
اليوم، بإذن الله، نبدأ معكِ رحلة تحقيق حلم الصغر أو هدف الكِبر..
 خطوة قد أجّلتها لأشهر أو سنوات.. بسبب الوقت، و الإنشغالات، و التنقلات…
نضع الفرصة بين يديك، لتحققي الحلم و الهدف و تستثمري الوقت و الجهد لتتوّجي بحفظ القرآن 👑
بتوفيق من الله تعالى 🤲🏻
سجّلي الآن في “تاج القرآن”
حصة تعليم أحكام | حصة تحفيظ سور
الدروس تكون أونلاين مباشرة + فيديوهات مسجّلة
صالحة مدى الحياة
العدد محدود، لضمان حصول كل واحدة منكن على الوقت الكافي للمشاركة و التسميع
بإمكانك إهداء شهر لأخت | أو صديقة حتى تتشاركي معها الأجر
الإشتراك الشهري بسعر: 1250دج | $12.50 شهريا
الدفع عن طريق: ccp | baridimob | PayPal
 تشاركي الرحلة و ثوابها مع أخواتك و أحبتك في الله و اهديهن تذكرة من عندك